by Giancarlo Venturini
These paintings depict the town of Radzyń Podlaski in Poland: small snippets of the local area from the lake, to hiking trails, the pond, and even the palace in the center of town. These works aim to present the beauty and peace of rural Poland. The connection to the paintings while not being there serves as some kind of conduit, finally binding me to the location to which I had no previous ties — almost like some display of the permanence I often look towards in life. This series in particular, which is part of a larger project, speaks to me as it shows viewers an unknown place and brings significance to it.
Some Mornings the Sky Looks Like a Road (Sylwek’s Farm)
Radzyń Podlaski No. 2
Radzyń Podlaski No. 8
Radzyń Podlaski No.
Radzyń Podlaski No. 7 White